
The United States of America is a republic, not a democracy. That means that the United States of America is a collection of states in which the supreme power, earthly power that is, rests in that body of citizens authorized to vote in those states. The state governments and officials are obliged to act in … Continue reading “Balls”

The United States of America is a republic, not a democracy. That means that the United States of America is a collection of states in which the supreme power, earthly power that is, rests in that body of citizens authorized to vote in those states. The state governments and officials are obliged to act in a way that represents the will of the people.  In that way, the federal government is obliged to act in such a way that represents the will of the people.

It would seem that many in government, whether state or federal, have forgotten this little tid-bit that is the cornerstone of our very existence as a country.

What has been happening for the past few decades is the resurgence of the effort to destroy us from within. We all celebrated the fall of communism in the 80’s, or so we thought. What has happened in the demise of communism is that the survivors of communism have found themselves bedfellows with the more common socialist. And they have, not unwittingly so, garnered the radical middle eastern agenda to do their bidding. This has happened over the past years since the perceived fall of communism, which turned out to be just a short slumber. There exists a plan for the fall of America. I truly believe the practice of tolerance in our government is part of this plan. I truly believe the timidity of our elected officials is part of this plan.

There is a flaw in the plan. One extreme oversight to its success – the American. There are those elected officials that can alter the path of the plan for America’s destruction – state governors and legislatures. They, as a group, are in the driver’s seat. If your governor is not demonstrating the leadership they should, fire them and get one who will. Same with your representative. It is the state who, when a federal judge strikes down an amendment or law in a state that was passed by the voting citezens of that state, tells the judge to get lost, that his state will neither accept nor acknowledge his ruling, that will go down in history. It is the state that passes a law that any federal ruling that alters the outcome of a popular vote must be ratified by the electorate to be effective, that will be recognized by history to be a leader. Let your federal senator or representative see that the electorate in your state means business and watch what happens. They’ll find their purpose and quickly.

In short, it is the state with the balls big enough to tell the federal government that it is not the supreme power that will lead this country, this REPUBLIC in its victory over socialism. Male or female; white or black or brown; it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, we are all Americans. We will remain exceptional. We will honor God. We will prevail.

I’m 1American.