The Election

I’m having trouble this morning. I remember when Jimmy Carter ran for the presidency. I remember hearing myself say this country would never elect a man like that. We did. Then, we elected Barack Obama. Now, we RE-elected Barack Obama. We’ve re-elected a man whose sole purpose is to destroy this republic and deliver it … Continue reading “The Election”

I’m having trouble this morning. I remember when Jimmy Carter ran for the presidency. I remember hearing myself say this country would never elect a man like that. We did. Then, we elected Barack Obama. Now, we RE-elected Barack Obama. We’ve re-elected a man whose sole purpose is to destroy this republic and deliver it into socialism. America represents the crown jewel in socialism crown. Problem is, half of the voting public doesn’t have a clue what a bitch of a queen she is.

This is not a new battle. This has been pretty much the root of any war we’ve fought. But then, it was an outside enemy; a common foe for the country as a whole. Now, it lives among us. This queen socialism has stolen our children. She has brought the weak to her bosom and holds them there. She owns half the vote. She has a vicious ally willing to die to distract attention from her agenda. She’s a serious bitch.

The question is not about what happened. The election happened. What do we do now? First, we must understand our position – What would you have done if Romney won? Stop and give this serious thought. What would you have been doing right now if Romney had won the election? Would you have been more relaxed than you are now – right now? Would you have breathed a sigh of relief? If your answer is yes, then we’re not ready.

God has a plan. God’s plan does not include defeat. When Gideon selected his soldiers to defeat the Midianites, he started off with 30,000 and selected only 300, selecting only those ready for battle. God certainly does give a pucker factor, doesn’t He? Well, if Romney had won, would you have the same pucker this morning that you do now? Would you have the same tension in your stomach? Would your mindset be different? Would you be happily going about your morning at work rather that seriously considering the future of our country?

This is a problem that is much bigger than Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. When Jimmy Carter was defeated in a landslide victory by Ronald Reagan, the turnaround was painful, but the result was worth it. We relaxed. We went back to letting the federal government run itself. Now, here we are. Socialism is at the door. She will not go away.

If Barack Obama has proven one thing, it’s that the federal government has no conscience. It has no respect for the law and, think about it, it has no way to limit or govern an out of control branch that does not respect the law. Obamacare was passed with no one in congress even reading the bill. States banned together and took it to, what else, federal court and surprise, it passed. What happens if the states just say no? We lose federal funding? There’s ways around that. The fed seizes our money? It’s called a state banking system – fed access is allowed only by the bank. The state says no. State legislatures have this control. For every action the fed can offer up, there is a response by the state.

Be sure your state legislature and governor are on this page before you elect them. This is not about becoming separate or seceding. This is about rights. This is about survival. This is about America remaining the Queen of Liberty. The time has come to dig deeper and push harder. Don’t let up.Seek God’s plan.

I’m 1American.