Poor Mama

Have you heard the mother of the Boston Marathon bomber? How her sons are innocent….how her sons were framed. Poor Mama…her boys have been attacked by the evil empire – the US. How sorrowful we must feel for poor Mama. Let’s move past what the boys did. What did Mama do? Poor Mama! She named … Continue reading “Poor Mama”

Have you heard the mother of the Boston Marathon bomber? How her sons are innocent….how her sons were framed.

Poor Mama…her boys have been attacked by the evil empire – the US. How sorrowful we must feel for poor Mama. Let’s move past what the boys did. What did Mama do? Poor Mama! She named her oldest son Tamerlan. What a beautiful name. Who is Tamerlan? More importantly, who WAS Tamerlan?

Tamerlan is the historical name for Timur. Ok, so you don’t know who Timur was. Timur is a muslim hero. Yep, a hero. He was a 14th century warrior. He was a muslim. He conquered most of Asia. He conquered many countries, cities, even nations. He was badass enough that he moved against the Ming Emperor in China. Yes, he was a badass.

To inspire his army and warriors and to diminish his enemies who were not muslim, he would execute his prisoners. No, not just he ones he took in battle. Not just the military prisoners. He would execute those of the cities, lands, countries he captured. Especially if they were NOT muslim. It is said, when he took Delhi, India, (they were Hindu), he executed over 100,000 people of the city. He didn’t execute them and throw them into a pit. He executed them, then cut off their heads and built a pyramid to commemorate his victory………….out of the skulls.

This was the person, the historical figure, that mama named her oldest son after……..the person she wanted her oldest son to be like…………Tamerlan.

Poor mama.