Lunchtime Epiphany – Is it a Plant?

Sitting here about to have some lunch and perusing the news, then the thought hit me – is it all a plant? We have unprecedented, unheard of government snooping going on; we have a pip squeak kid running around the world with classified documents telling the world our secrets under the guise of a ‘whistleblower’ … Continue reading “Lunchtime Epiphany – Is it a Plant?”

Sitting here about to have some lunch and perusing the news, then the thought hit me – is it all a plant?

We have unprecedented, unheard of government snooping going on; we have a pip squeak kid running around the world with classified documents telling the world our secrets under the guise of a ‘whistleblower’ out for the greater good of America – I don’t trust him any more than I trust Obama. I don’t trust either one of them to look out for my well being. Is this guy a plant – someone to be the catalyst for calls to bring it all down?

Carter was the one responsible for bringing America to its knees, mainly by doing nothing more that publicizing our secrets and destroying the structure of the clandestine community, not to mention the fact he was just a pussy. It was rebuilt to some degree, but now, again, we have Congress calling for the release of all the opinions of the courts that authorize all these secret operations. Right or Wrong? I don’t know. I DO know that I don’t trust a single individual in our government. Any of ’em. I don’t trust John Boehner over Harry Reid over Obama over John Roberts. None of them have done anything but assure that the framework for the destruction of this Republic is in place. When that proverbial ball tips over the edge, there will be no stopping it.

I think this guy is a plant, pure and simple. This entire operation is nothing more than the smoke screen to obscure our own feet so we won’t know we just shot ourselves – until we feel the pain.