Complicit Dogs

It has long been the condition in America, that the watchdog of our republic is the free press. Our freedom has depended on the press doing its job since the beginning. That relationship has always existed between a government and the people. The principle of freedom is that we govern ourselves; we create and abide … Continue reading “Complicit Dogs”

It has long been the condition in America, that the watchdog of our republic is the free press. Our freedom has depended on the press doing its job since the beginning. That relationship has always existed between a government and the people. The principle of freedom is that we govern ourselves; we create and abide by and respect laws. The principle of freedom is not that we are governed by our government.

For a couple centuries now, Americans have been able to depend on the press to reasonably report the truth. There has always been liberal and conservative, but the mission to report the truth was generally at least close to the center of effort of the press. Competition kept them honest. For the longest time, there were only a few television networks and the big newspapers were important. Now, there are literally thousands of outlets for peoples opinions. Internet news sites, cable news channels, blogs, social media, the list goes on. Blog format news sites may be the most disgusting. It is truly scary what some people will put out in response to a news story and the scary part is, they totally miss the problem.

The rattling on over Obamacare has not let up for three months now. Who gives a shit about whether the website works. Why aren’t REAL reporters out there pounding the pavement over Benghazi? The story is there. The cover up is there. People died. Heroes died. Screw Obamacare. It’s the distraction, dimwits! The longer the website is the number one headline, the more distance is put between the people’s attention span and a pure act of treason. Ever think that’s what he wants?

Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward brought down a president over the fact that he lied about knowing about bugging the Democratic National Headquarters during a campaign. That president left his dignity and honor on the ground outside the White House, but he left the office of president with its dignity. He didn’t drag it down. This president lies on a daily basis. He’s not bugging some office, he’s bugging the American people. He’s a communist. He holds contempt for everything that made America great. He has diminished the office of president to a point where it’s impotent. Nobody cares what he says. And he’s not the first one. The liberal president before him actually was getting blow jobs in the halls of the White House. He lied about that. This is all on film. Lie after lie after lie and these slugs are still in office and still shown respect in the media.

Our “free press”, our “watchdog” is toothless and impotent; either by choice or because they’ve decided to prostitute themselves out to the anti American coin and make no mistake, there’s plenty of it out there, or because they’ve been warned off.

Woodward and Bernstein got a Pulitzer for their work. Michael Hastings got dead. More distance between the act and the story. Makes you wonder, even the conservative sites are spending all their time pounding on Obamacare and its website. That’s a damned big bone. Want to cover something up? Keep all the dogs focused on the big bone. No more watchdogs. Just complicit dogs left.