What is your acceptable future?

It’s up to you, you know. Your future.Our future as a country is up to us as a group, but at the end of the day, it’s up to us as individual parts of that group. Did you stop long enough to research who is running in your state for election / re-election? Did you … Continue reading “What is your acceptable future?”

It’s up to you, you know. Your future.Our future as a country is up to us as a group, but at the end of the day, it’s up to us as individual parts of that group. Did you stop long enough to research who is running in your state for election / re-election? Did you go to a meeting where you could question the candidates? If you did, did you question them? Did you question them hard? Did you truly evaluate their answer?

After all, no one in the federal government is going to give up anything. They’re all too busy trying to get more; as we speak. Our prick with ears president gave a speech tonight and basically thumbed his nose at the Constitution, which all the republicans are up in arms about, but if they told the truth, the only thing they’re up in arms about is that he’s beating them to the punch. Power is addictive. Whether is pwe prez or congress or even the supreme court; what do you do with them? They do what they want. If we catch them in a violation of a federal law, we can only file a federal lawsuit in a federal court in front of a federal judge that, if we have enough money, we might get to go to the federal supreme court. To say it’s stacked against us is understating the situation just a bit.

We have 29 states with republican governors. We have 29 states (not all the same ones) with republican controlled legislatures. This is where the fight is. Elect governors who will protect states rights and have the balls to stand up for them. No, that’s not a sexist remark, Right now, Jan Brewer has the biggest balls in the country among state governors. I’m sorely disappointed in Rick Perry. Sorely. Texas should be at the front of this fight, but we’re watching to see what happens.

Remember that scene in the original “Walking Tall” movie when Buford relocated the county judge to his ‘new chambers’, those being the downstairs public toilet? It could happen. It should happen in Texas. But we’re waiting and watching.

Research your candidates. Challenge them. Elect legislators who are truly conservative and willing to put it all on the line. We don’t need to elect people to just line up at the trough with the others. We need people to stand up and quit being a republican or a democrat or a tea partier. For God’s sake, be an American for a change. We have a job to do. Be an American and do it.