What next?

What’s next? Okay, there was some mental midget that took a gun into a church and killed nine innocent people.  The city of Charleston took it on the chin but the city and it’s people came together, in a show of unity, and are grieving together.  They didn’t riot, shoot police, loot stores or burn … Continue reading “What next?”

What’s next?

Okay, there was some mental midget that took a gun into a church and killed nine innocent people.  The city of Charleston took it on the chin but the city and it’s people came together, in a show of unity, and are grieving together.  They didn’t riot, shoot police, loot stores or burn buildings.  Instead, they grieved together and are facing this with the type of genuine unity that helps everyone there see that this was an act of a madman and nothing else.  They are trying to fill the void left by their loved ones by turning to each other and trying to give/find comfort and go on.

They realize that this was not caused by slavery, gun control or the Confederate flag.  But we have our wonderful politicians and news media to take up the slack on that.

Now, you have peaceful demonstrations (and at least so far they have been peaceful) for the banning of the Confederate flag.  Like if the Confederate flag had been banned years ago, this would not have happened?  But now there is a movement that, I guarantee no whore of a politician will ignore, to ban the flag.

Ok.  So let’s ban it.  What then?  How is that going to improve relations?  How is that going to stop racism?  How is that going to stop anything?  What are we going to blame when that doesn’t work?  How would that have saved those victims who are now just a tool for the end to a political means.  All this does is provide sound bites and photo ops for politicians.  How is that going to end racism?  We all know it won’t.  So, what’s next?

Then there is the wonderful gun control issue.  Just like all of the last mass killings, I have yet to hear one way that more gun control would have stopped it.  Killers kill.  Madmen kill.  The best deterrent you have is to kill them.  Gun them down with the same tenacity and merciless act as they have committed themselves.  I have said it before, a person that will take a weapon and kill innocent people at random are the same as a sick animal that is a menace to society and should be put down.  Why are we giving this asshole a “fair trial”?  Give him the same trial he gave the nine he killed.  But, we know that will never happen.  So the answer is to restrict gun ownership or better yet, ban all guns.

Ok.  So let’s ban them.  No more guns but you have these same monsters walking the street.  And you know what?  You can be certain they will have guns.  So now all law abiding folks are easy targets for the criminals.  Why do these lunatics go to schools, hospitals, churches, buildings and businesses where guns are banned?  Because then it is just target practice.  Why is it that more states are allowing weapon carry on college campuses and schools?  Open carry?  Is it that they finally see that regardless of how bad it looks, a gun in the right hands could save lives threatened by a gun in the wrong hands.

I am not sure who said it originally but I have heard the old adage all my life that “the best offense is a good defense”.  All you have to do is look at the states and cities where the strictest gun laws are in effect and see the violent crime rate is the highest in the land.  We ought to see that it doesn’t work.  But that doesn’t give the politicians the sound bites and photo ops does it.  So we now have banned guns and are living with the carnage.  Madmen mass murderers are still killing but now we are defenseless.  So, what’s next?

What’s next is that the politician whores will be storming to Charleston so they can shed some campaign tears. They will cry and wail about how things need to be changed so this sort of thing will stop.  Let’s ban the Confederate flag and guns so that we will be expunged of racism and murder.  They will hug the relatives (on camera of course) and attend services and give eulogies and all the while blame anyone that dares to think that everyone should be accountable for their own actions.  That everyone has a right to own a gun, fly a flag, speak their mind and answer for their actions.  They will stand up in front of all America and say that this has to be fixed and the government has to fix it.  It has to be done with more controls and bans and restrictions and infringement upon simple liberties.

This kid that did this should die and very soon.  The lives taken should not be used for political purpose then forgotten.  But we all know that he won’t and they will.

So, what’s next?