What’s next? (2nd verse)

I recently wrote a blog addressing the idiotic notion that removing the Confederate Flag and banning all guns would rid the country of racism and killing. This was after the murders of innocent black people that attended a church prayer meeting and were gunned down by a lunatic that had a few pictures taken of … Continue reading “What’s next? (2nd verse)”

I recently wrote a blog addressing the idiotic notion that removing the Confederate Flag and banning all guns would rid the country of racism and killing.

This was after the murders of innocent black people that attended a church prayer meeting and were gunned down by a lunatic that had a few pictures taken of himself with a Confederate Flag.  Now, there is no denying that the kid is vile and should be destroyed.  I am still unable to figure out why he is entitled to a trial.  But he is an American citizen and these days in America, the shooter is the victim and the victims are just, well, they are just dead.  Unfortunately for their legacy and families, they are just fodder for politicians and special interest.

I am sure it will come out in the news that the shooter was a victim of something awful that is responsible for his actions and he should be spared the death penalty.  God knows, he can’t be held accountable for his own actions.  In fact, the American taxpayers should pay for any therapy he needs because it was not his fault but somehow the failings of our society.

But because this sicko was pictured with a Confederate Flag, the politicians and PC police could not wait to start dismantling Southern heritage.  Like, the Confederate Flag made him do it.  Anyone with a platform was so quick to damn the Confederate Flag and anything Southern as racist.  So the flags came down, speeches were made and the President and his cronies patted each other on the back and proudly proclaimed the good they did for America.

Now we have a radical Muslim kill multiple members of the military in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  He had a gun and a jihad.  He fulfilled his mission.  Again, innocent lives were lost in a facility where guns were banned.  This Muslim was no dummy.  He knew there would be no resistance to his slaughter unless someone pulled out their car keys and threw them at him.

Now there is the effort to excuse him from his actions.  His friends and family cannot understand how he could do this because he was really just a nice guy.  Really?  Someone gets this far down the radicalized path and no one is able to pick up on signs?  This prick praised the Muslim jihad and hated Americans.  Who gives a shit what his friends and family think anyway?

But no one is talking bad about the Muslims.  We can’t offend them.  We can allow youngsters like this to be radicalized right under our noses and in our neighborhoods because to question them would be profiling and might offend them.

Our President is the leader of this bullshit way of thinking.  He can’t, or won’t, even call them what they are for fear of him appearing “non-inclusive”.  So I guess, according to the President and the US government, it is ok to be a radicalized Muslim and kill innocents because that is what radicalized Muslims do, but you can’t kill innocents and be caught in a picture with a Confederate Flag because that is racist and we all know we can’t have that!

So we can’t bother any Muslims in this country but we can damn sure condemn anyone and anything Southern to the point where it has to be banned.  Well, we banned the flag.  The two venues where these murders occurred were gun free zones.  So the Confederate Flag and guns were not present and still, there were murders.

So what do we blame now?