Creepy? Really? Pretty damned UNbelievable

Shia LaBeouf was on Leno in 2008 promoting a film, “Eagle Eye”. He told the story of how a consultant (ex-FBI) on the film proved to him that phone calls were being recorded. He said one in five are recorded and logged. LaBeouf laughed at the thought. Then the guy plays a call LaBeouf had … Continue reading “Creepy? Really? Pretty damned UNbelievable”

Shia LaBeouf was on Leno in 2008 promoting a film, “Eagle Eye”. He told the story of how a consultant (ex-FBI) on the film proved to him that phone calls were being recorded. He said one in five are recorded and logged. LaBeouf laughed at the thought. Then the guy plays a call LaBeouf had placed two years earlier.

“Creepy” was the best word they could come up with.

Uh boys, on the national stage, try criminal! What the hell is EX FBI doing with the recording anyway, much less why the hell does it even exist or was even made in the first place.

Don’t take my word for it. Here ’tis.

This was in 2008


Obama just assured us last week that no one is listening to our phone calls.