National Anthem Prohibited?

Imagine how the old folks must feel. Do you think the old vets are spinning in their graves? Do you think that those who died sometime wonder what for? How about those that came home in pieces, do you think they may sometimes wonder if giving an arm or a leg, eye, mind, divorce, giving … Continue reading “National Anthem Prohibited?”

Imagine how the old folks must feel. Do you think the old vets are spinning in their graves? Do you think that those who died sometime wonder what for? How about those that came home in pieces, do you think they may sometimes wonder if giving an arm or a leg, eye, mind, divorce, giving up on a peaceful future or just taking on a lifetime of bad dreams and haunting memories was worth it when they see what is headlining in the media these days?

In a school in California, student government has been allowed to prohibit the national anthem from being played at school pep rallies. It seems the third verse of the anthem, that by the way, was written over 200 years ago and adopted – yes, adopted because Francis S Key was not commissioned to pen this song – contains verse that is offensive to some.

I have posted opinions on here before concerning the lunacy of thought that idiots are not to blame for their ignorance.  I think we should be blamed for allowing the idiots have their way.
It is here that I must apologize for my language. So now you have the opportunity to not read any further.I am sick of these entitled little shitheads getting their way. You don’t want the American national anthem, then go to a country that you can stand up for and be represented by their anthem. In other words, get the fuck out!!

There is no consideration for those students that want the anthem played.  God forbid, if there is a stanza that can be construed as racist to one person, then the thousands that don’t mind are not considered.  (See the post on this site – The Peaceful Majority are Irrelevant)

Apparently, (and I say so because I don’t know for a fact and I have not researched the claim) in the third verse of our national anthem there is a reference to slaves.

First of all, I will bet $1,000.00 that if you assemble 1,000 random people on the street, they cannot recite the third verse of the national anthem. I can’t. I will bet that same $1,000 if any 15 of those people, when first asked, couldn’t tell you how many verses there are in the national anthem. I didn’t know.  And lastly, the same $1,000.00 for anyone that personally knew a slave.  They would have to be really old.

So, was it that these students (and their adult student advisors) couldn’t find anything else to be offended about, so one of them looked in a book – wait, that is a stupid idea, they Googled it – and found that there were more stanzas to the anthem and found something to be offended by.
Now this might be different if this was all common knowledge to everyone and we celebrated the fact of slavery and all other things that offend nowadays.  Truth be told, things are handed down through time and used as harmless even though their creation be caused by terrible events.   “Ring Around the Rosie”, “Georgie Porgie”, “Pop Goes the Weasel”, “Rub-A-Dub-Dub”, “Mary, Mary”, “Humpty Dumpty”, “Ladybird, Ladybird” – all nursery rhymes, based on sinister origins, that we sing to our infants to this day.  Why are we not crying to end this brainwash from infancy?

It is because we have Facebook and Twitter to troll and determine what is acceptable and what is not.  No one person has to account for their own thoughts.  Just set a trigger word and stay away!

Whether or not you feel a sense of pride or just obligation, before an event when the anthem is played, you do it. It is the price! The price of simple respect that you should show to every volunteer, public servant and not only the veteran that has left home, sacrificed and in many instances, given lives to allow you to sit in the comfort of your homes and be offended by the language of the anthem, but his/her family as well.  They pay too.

If you really want to be offended, then follow through. Sack up and stand up and reject what that anthem stands for. Quit going to school everyday for the education that you don’t pay for. Quit going to the schools that feed you everyday at no cost. Quit using the resources that help you get in to college.  Quit going to the school where the anthem is allowed and give up your rights to be treated equally under the law. Give up your legal rights and protection. Quit being a sour little shit and  when a shooter comes to your school, don’t be offended if you are shut out of the safe harbor and protection of law enforcement–the same men and women you expect to take up a weapon and put their lives before yours.

In other words, fuck you!  You don’t count because you think we don’t count because you think we are non-inclusive.
Maybe in your last breath you can let them know that you were offended by the language in the national anthem.


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