Interruption to the Vacuum – REALLY??

If you look up to the top of this page, you’ll see several words under the title. The first one is “Respect”. Respect comes in many forms, many ways and many levels. You respect others, if they deserve it. You respect yourself, most of the time. But there is that certain ‘respect’ that is a … Continue reading “Interruption to the Vacuum – REALLY??”

If you look up to the top of this page, you’ll see several words under the title. The first one is “Respect”. Respect comes in many forms, many ways and many levels. You respect others, if they deserve it. You respect yourself, most of the time. But there is that certain ‘respect’ that is a normal daily occurrence.


You respect the law.


This also has its facets, but what I mean is that basic, fundamental respect for the laws that keep order in society.  For instance, you stop at a stop sign. Now you may do this for one or several reasons. You may simply obey the law and stop. You may stop because there might be a cop somewhere watching and you can’t afford a ticket. You might even stop because you don’t want to get ploughed into by a cement truck coming from the side street. If you’re smart, it can be any one of those three reason that stops you, but the end result is you stop.


This list could go on and on. Drive on the right side of the road. Don’t cross the yellow line. etc. etc. etc.


Now, there’s traffic law and then there’s constitutional law. You can drive on the right side of either one, or not. But our government runs on the basic premise that the people we elect are going to “respect” the law. But the people we’ve elected have gone astray. They don’t respect each other. They don’t respect you and me. But, over the past few decades, we have kept going simply because we expect them to respect the law. After all, they all took an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”.


Now is it me, or is our president showing a complete disrespect for the law when he makes recess appointments and Congress is not in recess? I know it’s a technicality, but the Democrats started it back in the 90’s. George W. may have been guilty of many things, but disrespect for the law wasn’t one of them. Now we have Obama. I don’t think the man cares one way or the other. I think it’s his mission to push those boundaries of the law out as far as he can. Then it’ll be like that belly you grew after getting married; it’ll never return to where it was. He keeps pushing the boundaries out so even though he may have to give some ground later, he’s already outside the old boundaries and will be able to stop before he has to return completely. It’s a strategy and it’s tearing the hell out of our country! Not only do we have to vote this individual out of office, we must, WE MUST replace those in Congress who are accustomed to doing business the same way. I don’t care if they are Democrat or Republican. They must go home if they don’t respect the Constitution. Remember the supervisors. The Congress, the President all work for US! Send them HOME!