While we slept……………………..

It’s been awhile. Seems the more I get into this, the more distractions show up to get in the way. Work, trying to find work, house repairs, the list goes on. It’s like the proverbial vicous cycle you get caught in; the more you’re capable of, the more you do. Time becomes a rare commodity. … Continue reading “While we slept……………………..”

It’s been awhile. Seems the more I get into this, the more distractions show up to get in the way. Work, trying to find work, house repairs, the list goes on. It’s like the proverbial vicous cycle you get caught in; the more you’re capable of, the more you do. Time becomes a rare commodity. So what has our government been up to while we’ve been busy? While we were distracted with life and news about forcing religious based healthcare groups to hand out contraceptives and who’s going to win the republican nomination, the administration has been hard at work. Take a look at what Obama and our Secretary of State have been up to:


” International Criminal Court — Clinton has reversed George W. Bush’s policy and entered into negotiations over U.S. participation in the court. Specifically, the leftists who are sponsoring the court wish to create a new crime of “aggression,” which is essentially going to war without the approval of the United Nations. If we submit to the court’s jurisdiction, our presidents and Cabinet officials could be prosecuted criminally for going to war without U.N. approval. This would, of course, give Russia and China a veto over our military actions. Clinton says she will stop our military’s hands from being tied, but we all must realize that once we accept the International Criminal Court, we go down a slippery slope. The court could even prosecute Americans who have been cleared by our own judicial system.”


“The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) has been signed, and the Obama administration — with the aid of RINO Sen. Richard Lugar (Ind.) — will push for its ratification as soon as Lugar’s primary in Indiana is over this year. LOST requires that the United States pay an international body half of its royalties from offshore drilling. The body would then distribute the funds as it sees fit to whichever nations it chooses. The United States would only have one vote out of 160 regarding where the money goes. LOST will also oblige us to hand over our offshore drilling technology to any nation that wants it … for free.”


“Small-arms control — Clinton is about to negotiate on a global ban on export of small arms. It would only apply to private citizens but, of course, most small-arms deals come not from individuals or private firms but from governments, specifically those of the United States, Russia, China and Israel. The treaty would require each nation to adopt measures to stop exportation of small arms. It is easy to see how this could be a backdoor way to require national registration of all guns and to assert federal regulation over firearms. It would also require the registration of all ammunition to track its source once a gun is fired. The Second Amendment be damned!”


” Outer Space Code of Conduct — Under the guise of stopping debris from accumulating in outer space, the European Union has enlisted Clinton in negotiations over a code of conduct. The code would prohibit activities that are likely to generate debris in outer space — space littering. The code might inhibit or prohibit the United States from deploying anti-missile missiles on platforms in space, denying us the key weapon we need to counter Iranian, Chinese and North Korean missile threats. European leftists reacted angrily when G.W. Bush opted out of the ABM treaty banning defensive weapons. Now they seek to reimpose it under the guise of a code of conduct.”


” Rights of the Child — Even more fanciful is a treaty Clinton plans to negotiate setting forth a code of rights for children, to be administered by a 14-member court set up for the purpose. The draft treaty obliges rich nations to provide funds for shelter, food, clothing and education for children in poor nations. This provision could create grounds to litigate to challenge the level of foreign aid we give as inadequate to meet our treaty obligations. Already, leftists in the United Kingdom are using the treaty to attack welfare cuts by the Cameron government.”

(These stories were published in TheHill.com on Feb. 7, 2012)


If you have never done it or even entertained the thought of it, NOW is the time to contact your representatives and senators. The only thing they will understand is they will lose their job if they don’t stand against this. If WE don’t act, we will lose our way of life. WE must act. We can’t watch both their hands at the same time. We have to team up to watch both. After all, WE are RESPONSIBLE!