What’s the Difference?

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-woman-arrested-baby-flowerpot-cemetery A woman in Carrolton, TX was arrested for capital murder after her newborn baby was found buried in the bottom of a flowerpot in a local cemetery. She admitted that she was the mother and the baby was not breathing when she delivered it at her home.  Then she recanted … Continue reading “What’s the Difference?”



A woman in Carrolton, TX was arrested for capital murder after her newborn baby was found buried in the bottom of a flowerpot in a local cemetery.

She admitted that she was the mother and the baby was not breathing when she delivered it at her home.  Then she recanted and said that the baby had been born alive and she covered the mouth because it was making noise.  She killed it, put it in a backpack, bought a flower pot and buried it, then took it to a cemetery where a worker found it.  Yep, sounds like a capital murder case to me.

However, the case could be made that it was the woman’s choice to eliminate the baby.  What is the difference in what this woman did and what has been done to over 45 million babies from 1990 to 2015.  (Number of abortions in the US from the Center for Disease Control.  That is just to 2015)  So now, in some states in the US, it is legally permissible for a life to be terminated on the delivery room table.  This is because the woman can decide, at the moment of delivery, to abort the baby, or in other words, kill it; let it die; terminate it; destroy it.  But this is done under a doctor’s care.  A doctor who is supposed to protect life.

So if the woman and the doctor act to do practically the same thing as the woman in Carrolton, TX did, why is she charged with capital murder but the others are not?  What is the difference? 

The babies (victims)  killed in the clinical scenario are, I assume, incinerated with other medical waste.  So the mother doesn’t have to concern themselves with the disposal of the body.  If the woman in Carrolton had gone to an incinerator and thrown the baby in for disposal, imagine the public reaction.  But what is the difference other than one killing was done in the mother’s home and the other killing is done in a clinical setting.

In the case of these late term abortions, I cannot imagine what must go through the mind of the child in the final minutes.  For all their time in the womb, it was safe and comfortable and then all of a sudden there is pain, discomfort and fear that comes as a result of an attack to all they know.  But who gives a shit about them, right? 

There is a video of a Boston College student addressing a question posed by a pro-life speaker that says we shouldn’t concern ourselves with the victim.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otfNxZnWfBg

The question was posed that if we should provide medical care for the children of illegal immigrants streaming across our borders, which the student agreed we should, then why is the same medical care not provided for a fetus in a failed abortion, to which the reply was because it was aborted.  To make it clear, I had no idea there was such a thing as a failed abortion.  This is a late term abortion that fails to kill the baby before it is delivered and it is basically left to die.  So, in that scenario, a doctor delivers a living, viable baby and lets it die.  God forgive us.

I have often imagined what must pass through the mind of children when they are victims of crimes.  Children younger than, say, four years old, do not imagine such horror that is, in these cases, put upon them.  I can’t imagine what a child of fatal abuse is thinking at the time of their death.  What is wrong?  Why is this happening?  Where is my mother/father/protector?  What did I do?  All they know is that they are scared and don’t understand why bad things are happening. 

Can you imagine, then, what must pass through the mind of an aborted child?  Especially, late term babies must have these thoughts even if the argument can be made of early term fetuses are incapable of thought.  A child in the last part of a pregnancy has known nothing but warmth and security.  Now, picture what it must think when a doctor goes for the heart with a needle with intent to kill.  A doctor.  With intent to kill.

As a society, we are outraged when a psycho walks into a room full of children and indiscriminately kills, but it is sociably acceptable to kill 45 million babies as long as it is not indiscriminate?  God forgive us.

Don’t get me wrong, the flower pot killer should be facing capital murder charges, but with all this being said, she does have an argument.

God forgive us.

III Texan