Good bye Twinkies

Watched the CEO of Hostess Brands this morning in an interview. The baker’s union is refusing to give any concessions in order to keep the Hostess plants running. But, if you ask a striking employee on the picket line why they’re striking, they won’t know the answer. The answer is, if the baker’s union gives … Continue reading “Good bye Twinkies”

Watched the CEO of Hostess Brands this morning in an interview. The baker’s union is refusing to give any concessions in order to keep the Hostess plants running. But, if you ask a striking employee on the picket line why they’re striking, they won’t know the answer. The answer is, if the baker’s union gives concessions to Hostess, they will be pressured to give concessions to other companies, therefore the union is sacrificing their jobs at Hostess to keep from having to concede at other companies.

The Teamsters gave concessions to Hostess – ta da! You know what they conceded? Hostess was paying the retirement of thousands of retired Teamsters that never worked for Hostess. Why? In their agreements, unions force companies to absorb the retirement of those affected by other companies shutting down. That’s what the glorious Teamsters conceded.

We have to do away with the NLRB and unions. This is what I mean when I say the states have to take control. Where is the state government in all this? The state must stand up and tell the NLRB, the united brotherhood of stupidity and the fed to take a hike. We’re saving our jobs. If your state representative is not on this page, fire his ass and get somebody who is. Things are bad all over, but a world without Twinkies? Come on!

I’m 1American.

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